part of the reason why i blog includes the pleasure of reliving the wonderful moments that have quickly passed me by. remnants of those pleasant moments are captured in writing... the only evidence in the absence of pictures.
my happiness index is up again by a few notches. tonight's tm had been once again rejuvenating. the open evaluation was lively and stimulating. each had a piece of golden advice to share with the speaker. the many individuals had a common goal.. which is to help build up one another with constructive comments. how often do we place ourselves in mutually beneficial environment at the expense of time and money to learn a new skill? passion is the answer that continually drives us.
the casual session came to a high note when ling decided to do an impromptu speech and incorporated a birthday celebration for lani in the midst of her presentation. the birthday gal chose to complete her last leg of the CC journey tonight despite having a good reason to give tm a miss! talking about having a passion for the club... she's definitely walking the talk.
i'm extremely pleased with myself for having achieved a breakthrough as the tme tonight. it was a casual session where i could better control the flow and pace of my speech. the unique open evaluation lighten up the usual systematic sombre session that i always encounter. the more i speak, the better i become. being able to speak freely is liberating. it reaffirms my self worth. i just paid my toastmasters club fees yesterday. it's money well spent and i foresee myself growing from strength to strength along with the group of like-minded buddies.
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