very often, promises are uttered as a means to obtain concessions at the critical moment. once the objective is achieved, we try to get away by finding excuses for not being able to fulfill it. the smarter or sly ones will remain silent in the hope that no one will recall the promise made.
today i've learnt that Our Word is Our Bond. We are only as good as our words. Unkept promises in the past have hurt me and conditioned me to guarded and wary of people. When there is little or no trust, we become withdrawn and erect a wall around us to protect ourselves from being hurt. this is the only natural defence to become less vulnerable.
trust cannot be bought. it takes an unknown period to build it up again.
are my words as good as gold? It might not be so in the past, but i will ensure that i do not over promise and underdeliver resulting in broken relationships.