Thursday, August 7, 2008

What a s-t-r-e-t-c-h.......

I'm not complaining.

But it has been a stretch over the past month. Had been jolted out of my comfort zone to put up with these inconveniences like:

1) longer commuting time
2) longer work hours
3) shorter weekends
4) scarce personal time
5) lastly - weight gain (sigh...)

What do I get out of it?

If I don't stretch myself to accomplish something new, will I still be happy?
I seriously doubt so.

My gains so far:

1) making myself more relevant in the marketplace
2) gaining niche skillsets
3) Invaluable gains as I being trained to be an all rounded worker
3) new network of contacts
4) generous colleagues who are always fighting to pay for lunches

Its hard not to make comparisons... especially when one is still in a transition stage. On the whole, gains still outweighs losses. Am giving myself another 6 months to see how things turn out to be.

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