it's knowing that something needs to be done, yet procrastination sets in to disrupt my perfect plan.
talk about goal setting, taking a focused approach and breaking bad habits... this is nothing but hot air that gets me nowhere.
why is it so tough to get on the right track? breaking my own promises seems so easy and i didn't even realise it till a friend pointed that out. i've been critical of others who had committed the same mistake and had been hard on them. but i don use the same yardstick on myself.
time to oil those wheels and get moving again. my life had seriously been disrupted. i've been stagnanting. looking for that warm pair of hands to lift me up.
"looking for their warm pair of hands to give lift me up." - It's good to look forward to inspiration. That's why positive people has the ability to attract. But rather than look for them, be 1 yourself too! For remember, U can be that spark in ur life to lift urself up!
yeap.. tks.
well someetimes blogging is the source of energy that will recharge me. it's an invisible pair of hands that provide the impetutus to get out of the rut...haha
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