Saturday, April 18, 2009

my staple source of entertainment

i spent the later half of my saturday at the district contest where the best congregate to vie for the most coveted toastmasters award.

For many, a chance to be recognised and affirmed as the best speaker plus an all expense paid for trip to the annual HK international convention, provides a big impetus to excel beyond their usual standards.

the competition was intense but there was a clear distinction in terms of standards between the veterans and the novices. however it doesn't take an expert judge to figure out who can be the ultimate winner.

the 2nd runner up was an easy guess whereas the first 2 winners was a tough fight between 2 veterans. their impeccable speeches have made themselves easily distinguishable from the rest.

i wonder if i'll ever garner enough courage to compete with the cream of the crop. am so near, yet so far. presenting in a club still gives me the occasional thrill. CS toasties are an encouraging bunch of friends and it's hard to find excuses not to attend the club meetings. until i manage to find new sources of entertainment, CSTM will still be my staple source of encouragement and ego food. :)

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