6 months ago, i was hit by a tsunami. looking back, it was akin to taking up the challenge of a 42km run without any practice sessions.
as the saying goes, no pain no gain. i wouldn't have realised how much i've grown if not for the catch up session with my ex-colleagues. most of them were complaining about their bosses and have got accustomed to their growing nonchalant attitude towards work. their comments brought me back to those days when i would sit and despair daily over my meaningless work.
i left them 10 months ago and athough i've been more unhappy than before, ironically i've been growing through the daily avalanche of work. interestingly, one of them actually commented about how blessed i was when i announced my decision to quit!
my growth rate had been exponential. it has been a period of self discovery - knowing my limits, needs and wants. in fact, i'm getting much more than i've expected. the initial euphoria of a fat pay cheque is over. with new found knowledge about myself, the 2nd half of the year will be used to chart my next crest of growth.