some men have a unique talent of using soft skills to please the opposite sex.
bearing in mind that women like communicative partners, the smart ones are making use of their communication talents to tell stories peppered with humor, in the hope of giving a good first impression.
the seasoned ones succeed while the novices reveal weaknesses by cooking up cock and bull stories and unknowingly exposing their insecurity and desperation.
the latter group is a big turn-off. of course, their stories sound entertaining at first but on closer examination, the details don't fit and obviously, the story might have been exaggerated with the purpose of impresssing. sadly, the damage is irreversible. these sly folks have a clear agenda. as they jump at every opportunity to impress women with their fictitious stories, i'm sure they'll get better.
as we start reflecting and reviewing, our wisdom grows as we find flaws in what we heard. needless to say, this will be our last meeting as your words are simply crap!
does it take herculean efforts to get into our good books?
Not at all!
Honesty and Sincerity still paves the way to our hearts. it requires zero effort and multiplies the brownie points exponentially!