Saturday, January 24, 2009

mind games

it's a highly political place - learning how to please all parties, taking extra care not to neglect the unimportant ones; understanding the powerplay and pre-empting their next steps....its like treading a minefield except that the consequences are not as harsh.

witnessing power struggle unfolding right before my eyes breaks the monotony i've been experiencing in the past 6 months. And guess what? i'm officially appointed as the spy to report on any unusual activities and discrepancies the moment i sense it.

it's interesting... and more challenging given the task of having to sieve and process information before presenting it logically. sometimes the level of understanding can be greatly hampered by the lack of historical knowledge to complete the puzzle. wat i see on the surface may be just the tip of the iceberg. figuring out what's going on in their minds seems like an unattainable task.

I'm a simple-minded chap. Am confused at times but still taking things in my stride.

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