Monday, December 21, 2009
footprints, memories n clutters
i chart my progress and change myself to anchor on the positive thoughts during the day. i measure myself not by comparing with others, but by diligently penning down my completed tasks that have brought me to where i am now.
yes i'm happy... i'm excited... i'm euphoric!
i've made some crippling mistakes - it's like a footprint cemented on the ground that is spoiling the whole perfect landscape. it's tough not to focus on that spot and easy to lose sight of the big picture.
i've got one final clutter to clear.. n i need courage to complete the final lap to find out the real truth. maybe i've imagine the problem to be bigger than what it really is.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
yet another simple realisation about life

Monday, November 23, 2009
my growing self awareness

Monday, November 2, 2009
so near yet so far...
am feeling the energy dip in the 2nd week of my course.
things don't happen when i sit, think and dwell on it. just wasting time, trying to escape from the blockade i'm facing. i wish i had someone to help me with p7 which i'm struggling to get the content out.....
Thursday, October 22, 2009
do i really have NO TIME?

the realisation of the little 'i's that is seriously affecting my quality of life has been identified. i had unknowingly and habitually telling myself that 'I HAVE NO TIME'.
no time to talk on the phone
no time to do admin work
no time for meetings
no time to do my speeches
no time for movies
no time for housework
no time to slow down to catch a breather
the list goes on
it gets worse each day. i'm on the path of self destruction when it's just all in the mind. it is crippling, depressing and unfortunate.
ever wonder how role playing works to curb the bad habit?
indeed self talking can produce wonderful results. i can keep my bad habits at bay by countering it with simple acts. it diminishes the hold on me.
what's driving me? is it just growth? i'm still on the journey of discovering it. N now, its back to my homework before the another day begins.
Monday, October 19, 2009
steadfast in love

Sunday, October 18, 2009
Ready, Get Set n GO!

Friday, October 16, 2009
i'm loving iT!
there are also various levels of establishing connection:
1) physical connection
2) emotional connection
3) psychological connection
4) intellectual connection
sitting down and observing the many outstanding individuals who have given excellent speeches on stage, i aspire to be one of them who would stand proud and tall to be the center of attention. most importantly, it is the excitement to share part of my real self to the entire world without the need to hold myself back. and yes, laughing over my own silly mistakes inadvertently added fun and laughter for the audience.
what was i afraid of in the past? why did i waste so much energy trying to conceal my real self? life is alot more interesting and hopeful knowing that there is so much more i can do to make a difference and discard my old self!
Monday, October 5, 2009
the cost of making wrong decisions
its not easy to be firm as rejection results in strained relationships with long term consequences.
sometimes promises are made in a hurry and pulling out puts me in a bad light.
i'm just but a drop in the big ocean. am having regrets about a wrong decision.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
are your words as good as gold?

Thursday, September 24, 2009
where do i go from here?

why am i reluctant to attend tm nowadays?
the growth spurt is over. the fun and excitement is declining. after 2.5 years, i've reached a plateau. if the average life span is at 6 yrs long, i might be breaking the record soon.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
at ease and at peace

Monday, September 14, 2009
frustrating yet necessary...
there's no value add n it's a huge waste of time - coordinating with the entire world just to ensure that everyone can meet at a specific date.
i need a secretary to get these frustrating and irritating admin work out of my way.
Friday, September 4, 2009
learning it the tough way...

Tuesday, August 25, 2009
capitalising on relationships
what gets pple moving to pool efforts tog to make something happen? does the common goal or vision motivate pple to go along with the flow? what happens when the common objective is missing?
I've learnt that relationships count alot in mobilising pple. imagine a scenario of a leader who works only through the authority that is vested in him. one thing for sure, the happiness index will be sorely missing. the task assigned is a burden and one can't wait for it to be done and over with.
tonight, i've learnt that friendships count alot in getting things done. without them, i would not be able to gather the pple needed to help me execute the entire contest smoothly. i love gg to the club for the companionship of friends that are constantlhy spurring one another to move further.
being active is one of the surest way of making my presence felt. however if i were to leave the club one day, will i be forgotten and forsaken? how far will my friends go to get me back on the track of pursuing my goals?
Monday, August 24, 2009
can things be simpler?

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Thursday, August 13, 2009
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
the factor that matters

again, allowing me to grow at my own pace with his constant attention at the right moments made me think otherwise about the perhaps non-existent greener pastures outside. or maybe there is really somewhere that suits me better, just that the timing isn't right.
Care n Concern... i'm amazed at what this invisible force can do to penetrate hearts and minds.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Thursday, July 16, 2009
i broke my promise ... again

Sunday, July 12, 2009
Renewing my promise

Monday, July 6, 2009

Saturday, June 27, 2009
uncovering the dirt in me
Thursday, June 25, 2009
different facets of love

Sunday, June 21, 2009
fact and fiction

Not at all!
Honesty and Sincerity still paves the way to our hearts. it requires zero effort and multiplies the brownie points exponentially!
Friday, June 19, 2009
Am i a bean counter?

Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Unmet expectations

Saturday, June 6, 2009
what i dread most...

- a strong facilitator is required to control the flow and prevent discussion from going off tangent.
- too many cooks spoil the broth. having too many contributors abt the same point lengthens the discussion unncessarily. Too often, people don't realise they are just talking around the problem instead of attacking the core of the problem. i hate it intensely! talking about it doesn't change a thing. the purpose of meeting up is to solve it. Hence the facilitator needs to direct the discussion towards tackling the issue.
- following closely to the agenda and avoid discussing minute details. attendees get distracted and lose focus. taking it offline helps!
- get to the point! this requires a fairly good communicator to summarize it succinctly in a few sentences. explain the objective at the beginning so that listeners will know what to take note before the rambling speech begins.
- lastly, give an effective conclusion after every agenda belps in crystallising the points discussed. this can greatly help those who are lost in the discussion to retain the gist of the message.
i like short and sweet discussion that doesn't end up without a conclusion. recognise that if the problem cannot be solved in a single session or if we are missing out on some important inputs, move on and leave it till the next discussion. unless the meetings are facilitated by someone else, i take pride that my sessions don't last beyond 2 hours. in fact, it's my personal KPI to keep it short and succinct.
seriously, some people ought to reflect and repent...
Sunday, May 31, 2009
growing in adversity

my growth rate had been exponential. it has been a period of self discovery - knowing my limits, needs and wants. in fact, i'm getting much more than i've expected. the initial euphoria of a fat pay cheque is over. with new found knowledge about myself, the 2nd half of the year will be used to chart my next crest of growth.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
escaping from reality

Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Get to the POINT!

the damage will only be clear when i look back and observe their facial expressions. for most pple, they chose to remain silent. some assertive ones will quickly express their displeasure outrightly.

Monday, May 18, 2009
beggars can't be choosers

"leveraging on the situation to extract benefits to further our own cause"
though this is not new, having the practical experience surpasses reading all books and theories based on this strategy.
What a breakthrough in my learning journey today!
With the bargaining chip in our hands, the ball is in our court. what's next? planning the next step would be easy. afterall, their long term survival is dependent on our green light. sad to say, beggars can't be choosers.
Friday, May 15, 2009
District Contest
The contest ended on a high note when Guan Hau and Daniel clinched the first runner up award for both categories, missing the first place by the skin of the teeth! Both fought all odds and emerged as the champion from the Area Club Contest to get to where they are today. The top winners get a chance to fly to Hong Kong to compete on an international platform where the cream la cream will vie for the most coveted award in August.
As a saying goes, you reap what you sow. Lots of practice coupled with hard work had to be invested to become the best. This was evident in selection of the winners for the contest. The most senior contestant was again handpicked by the panel of judges to represent Singapore. Clearly, our club winners are still not there yet but they are fast molding themselves to become better by active club visits and participation. To be at the pinnacle of success, it starts from a small seed of desire - a passion to want to do well in public speaking.
Every baby step taken by participating in club contests paves the way for greater success towards the international platform. My random chat with past contestants reaffirms the same point. Without stretching yourself, you will never experience growth.
If there is fear within you that is stopping you from participating, you are not alone. Many have chosen to take the bull by its horns and face the fear. The fear factor can be overcome. For a start, try out table topics and speaking off the cuff! Try taking your first step in a prepared speech and listen out for constructive feedback. The fear of losing face will be pale in comparison to the growth pace you will soon experience. The helpfulness of our toasties will encourage you to do better each time. Begin to uncover the speaking abilities that you already have and learn new ones.
“It does not matter how much time we have, but how we spend it.”
This was the table topic question posed to the contestants. In some sense, it caused me to reflect on my past achievements and review the road ahead if I have limited time. One of the important goals is to experiencing personal growth by going out of my comfort zone. This is an addictive path that I tread on to measure my self worth and accomplishments.
Have you found the source of energy that will spur you on? FRET NOT! The upcoming humorous speech contest in late August will give you a chance to display your wittiness. Organised by yours truly, I sincerely hope you will take up the challenge thrown at you to emerge the winner. Make our club stronger. More importantly, start clocking your achievements to begin the journey of self discovery.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
it's not easy

imagine doing it for a living...
the toughest part is having to be firm and not be swayed by the reasoning of the opposing party. many a times, they have a relevant point of view and i ended up sympathising with them and compromising my own beliefs, sacrificing the very people who are counting on me to speak up for them.
my team are silent individuals who see themselves from a lower hierarchy, feeling unfit and unconfident to speak their minds. often, i feel as though i'm standing alone in the battlefield.
where's my arsenal? where's the chatter and banter that everyone is so accustomed to behind close doors? when can you people stand up for your own cause?
i've to act firm when i'm actually not aggressive. i've to think of innovative ways to solve the situation while facing veterans who are trying so hard to force me into a corner. i'm always hard pressed for time. i see faces of villians who are trying to twart my progress. some have funny and out of the box thinking that is hard to comprehend. relationships are strained. to maintain harmony, i've to seek a compromise that is pleasing to all.
the many rounds of meetings have stretched me beyond my wildest imagination. it's growth in the midst of adversity and it's a high price to pay. i'm still treading on the path less travelled. at times, it's unbearable. but sometimes things take a drastic 180 degrees turn for the better.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Monday, May 11, 2009
a day well spent!

Monday, April 27, 2009
freedom is priceless
10:50pm - another late night phone call from co-worker
do you all have to call me at this hr when these are non critical issues?!?!
i'm tired and sleepy but my heart is beating fast, unable to unwind. maybe another short holiday will do me good. the cheap airfares via budget airlines seems irresistable...
Sunday, April 26, 2009
is there an in-between?

Saturday, April 18, 2009
my staple source of entertainment
For many, a chance to be recognised and affirmed as the best speaker plus an all expense paid for trip to the annual HK international convention, provides a big impetus to excel beyond their usual standards.
the competition was intense but there was a clear distinction in terms of standards between the veterans and the novices. however it doesn't take an expert judge to figure out who can be the ultimate winner.
the 2nd runner up was an easy guess whereas the first 2 winners was a tough fight between 2 veterans. their impeccable speeches have made themselves easily distinguishable from the rest.
i wonder if i'll ever garner enough courage to compete with the cream of the crop. am so near, yet so far. presenting in a club still gives me the occasional thrill. CS toasties are an encouraging bunch of friends and it's hard to find excuses not to attend the club meetings. until i manage to find new sources of entertainment, CSTM will still be my staple source of encouragement and ego food. :)
Sunday, April 12, 2009
what on earth am i here for?

Monday, April 6, 2009
vacation phobia

my colleague lamented that he had to finish numerous reports before he flies off this week for his vacation.
this brought back those days of long working hours back at the office, fretting over unfinished tasks and stressing over the mounting emails which i would not be able to attend to during my brief absence of just 3 days!
i thought whether is the holiday that i'm paying for really worth every cent when my stress index reached sky high before and after returning from the trip. with the phone that keeps ringing and messages that keep popping up now and then, i can't be totally detached away from work.
if i really have a happiness index measuring device, what would the score be? did i really manage to unwind during the trip? nowadays, i ponder over my coming trips more carefully than ever.
in fact, if there is no work life balance, the frequency of holidays does not matter. all i ask for is the complete ability to unwind at the end of each day, to fully recharge myself by getting quality sleep. with this daily luxury, being able to make time for vacation will be akin to having icing on the cake!
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
the route to freedom
making the decision and be convicted about doing it has helped me to go beyond what I thought I could manage.
the period of hesitation is over. i have reached the onset of a new chapter, where I need to surge forward to pursue my goals, with the sole aim of attaining happiness. with nothing to hold me back, i'm giving my best shot. by june, i hope that things will be clear... and it shall be the time for my grand plans to unfold.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
my worth?
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
a breath of fresh air

what have i learnt today?
- I can cease to be a rat that is running nowhere... am not just a WORKER. in fact, delegation through effective relationship management, can offer an outlet to relieve the mounting stress
- delegation sharpens my managerial skills
and lastly i found a real friend... in times of need.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
blissful sunday

Saturday, March 21, 2009
breaking point

Wednesday, March 18, 2009
what makes me happy

Monday, March 16, 2009
a strategist in the making...

we are not colleagues. he's only an acquaintance who started to wreak havoc in recent weeks. countless emails have been flying around to deliberate our next strategy. hours have been spent discussing how to best pacify him without going to the extreme of evicting him. in the end, he chose to leave with a big 'R' package which even his management agreed in order to buy some peace....
i'm not the only one motivated by his departure. all along, i had the support of my boss who was the big mastermind in cornering him to accept the payout. with his impending move, that leaves a vacuum at the top. the big ordeal of having to deal with a highly sensitive man taught me the importance of patience. his departure was indeed timely and a blessing in disguise. his thinking and distrusting attitude was a serious misfit within the organisation. he didn't leave empty handed for he had more than what he bargained for.
i'm excited about being involved in shortlisting the next replacement. the days of tolerating his ways will soon be over. i feel relieved... and looking forward to starting afresh with the new team :)
Sunday, March 15, 2009
drivers... beware!

Friday, March 13, 2009
what makes u happy?

Friday 13th... an uneventful day
as expected, the stressful work has worn me out. no time for lunch, no time for toilet breaks, no time to stop n listen n engage in random chatter...
strolling along clarke quay this evening brought back a semblance of work life balance that has been seriously missing all this while.
someone just asked what makes me happy? I don't have a definite and straightforward answer for myself. Many a times, I've been too absorbed in trying to achieve short term goals to experience the momentary satisfaction. I don't plan for the long term. I think alot and that thinking process will cause me to lapse into depression.
Well.... I need to be with happy people to change myself.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
happiness index

2) The allowances has inflated my pay package to an astonishing level
3) Someone willingly shouldered the blame for the mistake I've made at work
Thursday, February 26, 2009
i'm getting fitter
it's a long journey. looking back, i've ran 8 months of marathon.
what have i gained? it's a back breaking journey of learning how to be patient, to be more tolerant of differences and becoming more adaptable to the harsh environment.
can someone show me the way out of the woods?
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
too much to lose .. too little to gain
when can i have a brief respite?
where's my oasis?
where's the silver lining?
then again, the alternative plan might not be a bed of roses. i wish i had a crystal ball to predict my future and weigh the options.
Monday, February 23, 2009
a new lease of life?
hopefully it shall be as pleasant as what i'm imagining now...crossing my fingers and even toes for the best results ...
Friday, February 6, 2009
topping up my energy tank
with nothing really permanent to cling on to, for me, personal growth is one aspect that is quantifiable. looking back, what's tangible, what i can claim is mine is knowledge gained from crossing hurdles. gathering sufficient guts, conquering the fear of the unknown and thereafter knowing that i've been there, done that, is good consolation to my otherwise very predictable lifestyle.
my mind remains active and alert wanting for more of such experiences after each conquest. the joy inside me is hard to suppress and i glow with confidence.
Friday, January 30, 2009
procrastination has resulted in alot of closed doors, similar to self inflicted injuries...
where would i be if i had taken the opportunity to talk to someone who might have given me a better job? would i have taken a totally different route if had grabbed the chance that day?
instead of lamenting about my sad state of life, getting up and doing something can at least raise hopes that getting out of the rut isn't that far off.
what do i need now? constant self reminders, discipline, late nights n lots of positivity.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
mind games
witnessing power struggle unfolding right before my eyes breaks the monotony i've been experiencing in the past 6 months. And guess what? i'm officially appointed as the spy to report on any unusual activities and discrepancies the moment i sense it.
it's interesting... and more challenging given the task of having to sieve and process information before presenting it logically. sometimes the level of understanding can be greatly hampered by the lack of historical knowledge to complete the puzzle. wat i see on the surface may be just the tip of the iceberg. figuring out what's going on in their minds seems like an unattainable task.
I'm a simple-minded chap. Am confused at times but still taking things in my stride.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
growing wiser
good food was aplenty and so was wine. suddnely it didn't feel as though recession has hit us. And the discovery of a premium red wine was the highlight of the dinner - a full bodied, smooth seductive wine with a silky texture was served. it didn't burn my throat even after 4 glasses! normally the cheaper ones are acidic and overly bitter. just a few sips will curb my appetite for more.
this was a memorable night to lift up my gloomy spirits. i'm almost at the point of packing up and moving on. Am i a wrong fit for a mould that was not meant for me? perhaps the initial assessment six mths back was not thorough enough. there are many hidden facts that didnt surface despite my due diligence. Wise men learn from mistakes. hopefully the next stop would be a better place where i can really see myself growing professionally in the long term.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
a perfect plan don't exist
well... no one knows the sorrow and misery of organising large scale trips to please multiple indecisive perfectionists. first, it was bali... then it became chiang mai... well some say that we better have an alternative location in case the weather in the latter place becomes worse.
i dont care where we are going as long as i can get this trip over and done with. there has been too much time wasted in deciding the location that i cant get the more impt things done. with multiple tasks vying for my attention, my hair is turning white... n my std of living is declining with each passing day.
with watever free time i have, i'll make sure tat its going to be maximised to the fullest.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
good things come in pairs...
this vacation didnt come easy as i was the overall coordinator running round, tying loose ends. but strangely, i was still excited about packing up. the thought of going away even if its only to malaysia is still a pleasant tradeoff.
And good things come in pairs...
the next upcoming trip to bali just got approved! feb will be a much more exciting season with a longer r&r time at cozy resorts and enjoying spectacular views while not having to burn a hole in my pocket. life is good.. n indeed things are looking up :)
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Every cloud has a silver lining
it felt like i've woken up fm a deep slumber. had been ignoring the glaring signals that had bugged me for months. letting go has never been easy but today marks a complete renewal of my mind. something that seems important yesterday has become insignificant. its about taking a step back to evaluate the situation and deciding to walk away than clinging on hoping for a miracle.
i feel much more carefree than before. living without worrying is pure blessing... more enjoyable than a holiday abroad. i can sleep better and cease to worry about what i cant control. Its about I, me and myself... maximising my time to the fullest without having to live for someone else. :)